In Neeraj Grover murder case, Mumbai Court on Friday sentenced former Navy Officer Emile Jerome Mathew to 10 years imprisonment and Maria to a 3 year jail which she has already spent, so has been released today that is Saturday.
Maria has been released because she has already spent a period of three years in Jail during the process of hearing of the case. She has been found guilty of destructing the evidence. Whereas Navy Officer Emile Jerome Mathew, who is fiance of Maria is convicted of culpable homicide to murder.
Who is Neeraj Grover ?
Neeraj Grover was TV Media executive. He was killed on 7th May 2008, in Dheeraj Solitaire Building in Malad East. Emile Jerome Mathew killed Neeraj and then they together cut the dead body into several pieces and has thrown it in the adjacent forest in Thane.
Why Maria and Emile Jerome Mathew killed Neeraj ?
Emile Jerome Mathew when entered the flat in Dheeraj Solitaire, found her feonsay Maria with another person that is Neeraj. Seeing this he loosed his control and has killed Neeraj Grover.
Mumbai High Court said-Murder not intentional:-
Additional Sessions Judge MW Chandwani while sentencing Mathew and Maria told that, "When he(Mathwe) entered the room he was calm. This showed he did not have intention. Obviously for a fiance, in a situation where he finds a stranger with his partner, would upset a prudent man and he would lose control".
Now, Mathew will be spending a period of 7 years in jail as he also along with Maria spent 3 years in imrisonment while the hearing of the case.
Neeraj's Father Amarnath Grover said that, when they both where present at the time of murder then why are they given different punishments. This is something similar to give bail to Maria.
Maria offered Films after she has been released from Jail:-
Maria who has been released today is a Kannad actress. However, she has not been very successful but now it seems that black clouds have just moved away and now it's time for her to shine. Bollywood re known Director Ram Gopal Verma, who has already put the Neeraj Grovber murder case into his upcoming film, "Not A Love Story" wants to cast Maria in his next Film.
RGV Tweeted that " Maria wanted to become a famous actress but became a murderer. If everything will go right then i will cast her in my next project".
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