Yesterday that is on 1st of July 2011, Friday has seen a new turn in script and presentation. "Bbuddah hoga tera baap" Amitabh's latst release and "Delhi Belly" Aamir Khan Home Production Film hit the box office. Both the films were expected to get equal response but the collections and the crowd at the ticket counter indicates that 69 years old Bbuddah has done it again. Delhi Belly has been made keeping in mind the Young generation and it includes abusive words at a regular basis in film.
Talking about Big B's Film Bbuddah hoga tera baap, we can say that he has proved that why he is ruling and is at the top in Bollywood from last 4 decades. South India's famous Director Puri Jagannath has managed well with wrapping of 3 decades old Angry Old Man in a new packet.
Film Director Ram Gopal Verma also watched the Film on Thursday in a Special show and has tweeted something which has not been liked by the Public.
RGV tweeted "Just watched Bbuddah nd am. angry with bacchan that hes such a ch***iya not to do films like this nd am such a l**d not to realize this".
Now, this shows the unique way of his praising of Amitabh. Actually he got too much excited after watching this film and can't control it and has just done this in excitement. He just wanted to praise the performance of Big B in the film. His words "hes such a ch***iya not to do films like this" means that, why has not he done film like this before, which reflects his Angry Young Man character and "am such a l**d not to realize this" means that if he would have realized this then he would have made such a film long time back.
In this film (BHTB) Big B has introduced a very new way of abusing, he has used the word "beep" instead of any abusive words which gives it an all new feel.
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