The Delhi police recovered fake currency worth Rs.6 crore which is equal to the seizure of counterfeit notes in last 5 years. The incident took place on Thursday at Dabri Thursday. Cops have arrested three persons connected o the case.
The money was loaded on two tempos when Police put a raid at the godown in Dabri where these tempos were parked. There were a total of 33 bundles, all in the denominations of 500 and 1000. The money was smuggled into the country through the Nepal Border, as told by Police officers.
The fake money was tucked in between two-layered clothes and compressed, making it unable to locate during normal search. The notes were all in the denominations of 500 and 1000.
According to the Police one of the arrested person has been Hasan Ali and they are working on several inputs.According to the sorces, the investigations may lead towards Gujarat.
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