News Update :

New Maruti Swift getting record advance booking

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

 It's normal to notice increased sells of a car after it gets launched but, would you believe that 40,000 people have already booked a car before it's launch? It's 100 % true and it's the case with Maruti's New swift which is to be launched in 3rd week this month but, people are already going mad about this car and has made an advanced booking.

Tell you that company will launch New Swift in all new avatar, it will be launched with a 1.2 liter petrol engine and 1.3 liter diesel engine. Comparing the weights, new swift to be launched will be lighter than the older one. Company implanted plastic made fuel tank which helped to reduced it's weight and hence will add to mileage of New Maruti Swift.

Clearly talking about the  figures, it's claimed that Petrol version of New model will have a mileage of 20 Km while 24 Km for the diesel version. Comparing with the present Petrol version and diesel version it's too good which have a mileage of 17.9 Km and 21 km respectively.

New Maruti Swift Price In India:-
The New version of the car is having a price of Rs. Rs 409341/- plus wait as 40000 people have already booked the car.
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