A change has been introduced to the entrance exam for the Indian Institute of Management (IIM). Common Admission Test (CAT) will be having only two parts and the pattern will be enforced from this year itself. CAT examinations will be conducted between 22nd October to 18th November 2011.

The CAT 2011 will be having a duration of 140 minutes that's 2hours 20 minutes and the paper will be divided into two sections unlike previous years where it used to be in three parts. The news has been confirmed by the Prometric which conducts CAT in partnership with IIM. The two sections will be Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning and Verbal Ability. In previous papers all these papers were categorized separately into three sections.
There will be a total of 60 questions in two sections, each section having 30 question and a time duration of 70 minutes to solve them. An on screen watch will help them have a look on time which will act as a count down and once 70 minutes will get over they will automatically be redirected to second section of the paper. Candidate will not be able to move to the previous section, once those 70 minutes get over. Also an extra time of 15 minutes will be given to the candidates as a tutorial as the CAT will go Online as usual. So, the total time duration increases to 2 hours and 35 minutes, however, this time cannot be used to solve the questions.
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