The arguments regarding awarding Sachin Tendulkar and Dhyanchand with the most prominent and respectable Bhartat Ratna was not over and in between these arguments the daughter of badminton player and famous actress Depika Padukone came up with her own new comment. She asked for Bharat Ratna for her father Prakash Padukone who was a famous Badminton player.

Actress said that, "I feels that my father should be given Bharat Ratna Award." Howver she also added that, "Sachin and Dhyanchand are fantastic players and both of them should also be awarded with the same.
Now, it would really be interesting that what would be the reaction of the nation to this comment of Padukone. Tell you that she is also a national level badminton player and she used to play the game professionally before debuting Bollywood.
He is deserving for this "Bharat Rtna". I can vote for him.
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