Satya Sai Baba finally lost the battle with life on Sunday at 7:40 in morning and is no more.He was 86 years old. He was suffering from diseases since last few days. Many organs of his body stopped working. His funeral will take place in a traditional way. His body has been kept in Kulwant Hall yesterday for general worshipment by his followers.

Andhra Pradesh government has announced a official grieve for 4 days in which all government institutions and offices will remain close.
Many prominent personalities visited Puttaparthy to get the look of Sai Baba's holy body. These included, Indian Cricket Star Sachin Tendulkar, Little Master Sunil Gavaskar, Central Ministers like Prafull Patel and Vilas Rao Deshmukh.
Sachin visited the Kulwant Hall today in the morning and remained there for about 45 minutes along with his wife Anjali Tendulkar.
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