Big Boss-4 participant Davender Singh alias Bunty alias “Super Chor” has been arrested yesterday in Madhya Pradesh in a Hotel. He became famous after his entry in the TV show, which proved to be a bane for him. Although he was thrown out of the house on the very first day but people started identifying him. He has been identified by the Hotel employee who informed Police and he got caught.
He was caught from a Hotel named Ganga Palace located on Nadeem Press Road in Older Bhopal. According to the sources, silver spoons, idols and ornaments stolen by him from South Delhi have been recovered. He has been successful to outsmart Delhi and Punjab Police Officers after a long chase on 10th January 2012.
He was in search for over 500 cases of thefts and robbery. He started all this in 1993. hen he was soon arrested and sent to Tihar Jail but after coming out of the jail he adopted Theft as his job. He used to escape every time when arrested. Also, he use to steal only in big Hotels & Houses only. He also knows the trick to get dogs under his control. A Bollywood Film Oye Lucky Lucky Oye has also been made which is said to be on his life.
“Acting as a mentally challenged person, he identified himself as a Napoleon Jesus - a 13th reincarnation of Jesus Christ,” senior superintendent of police (SSP) Yogesh Chaudhary told DNA. He said they are yet to confirm his identity. “We have contacted our counterparts in Delhi for further identification,” he said.
On January 10, Bunty was identified by employees of a jewellery showroom - Anupam Jewellers - in Palwal near Faridabad where he had gone to sell some stolen silver utensils and gold ornaments identifying himself as an employee of the Royal Nepal Police.
“The jeweller, who had seen him in Bigg Boss, knew that police was looking for him and asked him to come back after some time. In the meantime, he made a call to the police control room and a trap was laid to catch him,” a police officer said.
He was caught from a Hotel named Ganga Palace located on Nadeem Press Road in Older Bhopal. According to the sources, silver spoons, idols and ornaments stolen by him from South Delhi have been recovered. He has been successful to outsmart Delhi and Punjab Police Officers after a long chase on 10th January 2012.
He was in search for over 500 cases of thefts and robbery. He started all this in 1993. hen he was soon arrested and sent to Tihar Jail but after coming out of the jail he adopted Theft as his job. He used to escape every time when arrested. Also, he use to steal only in big Hotels & Houses only. He also knows the trick to get dogs under his control. A Bollywood Film Oye Lucky Lucky Oye has also been made which is said to be on his life.
“Acting as a mentally challenged person, he identified himself as a Napoleon Jesus - a 13th reincarnation of Jesus Christ,” senior superintendent of police (SSP) Yogesh Chaudhary told DNA. He said they are yet to confirm his identity. “We have contacted our counterparts in Delhi for further identification,” he said.
On January 10, Bunty was identified by employees of a jewellery showroom - Anupam Jewellers - in Palwal near Faridabad where he had gone to sell some stolen silver utensils and gold ornaments identifying himself as an employee of the Royal Nepal Police.
“The jeweller, who had seen him in Bigg Boss, knew that police was looking for him and asked him to come back after some time. In the meantime, he made a call to the police control room and a trap was laid to catch him,” a police officer said.
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